Our Services

Media Planning & Buying

Our Services

Media Planning & Buying

Media planning and media buying is a combination of services designed to get the most return for your advertising budget by identifying the channels you should be using, the best times, and the best allocation of your media budget.

Our long-standing relationships with stations secure us the lowest rates in the Industry.

There are several steps to a media plan:

  • Audience research. Since consumer behavior varies by demographic, planners are tasked with identifying which mediums will be the most effective for a particular campaign. What is your target audience? How does your target audience shift by medium?
  • RFP the marketplace. As planners determine which mediums will be the most effective, they will allocate media dollars accordingly to achieve the most substantial results. What percentage of your campaign will be devoted to which types of buys, from display to search and beyond?
  • What percentage of your spending will be on guaranteed inventory versus non-guaranteed (RTB)?
  • Cross-media client budget authorizations. Are you complying with the authorized amount? Are you tracking authorized spend vs. planned spend?
media planning and buying
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Shared via Different Channels

We determine how, when, where, and why your business will share media content with your target audience. The process includes deciding what media will be shared via different channels and platforms to boost reach, engagements, conversions, ROI, and more.

full service media planning

Media Channels

Deciding which media channels and platforms you’ll share your content with your targeted audience.

reach and frequency

Reach And Frequency

Determining the reach and frequency of the media buy and content you publish, and share is crucial. We negotiate with the media outlets and get the most efficient programs and times to run your ad.

trend analysis

Trend Analysis

We will look at current trends and identify and remove duplicate content. Having fresh and relevant content is a crucial factor for ranking.

full service media planning

Latest Media Trends

Keeping up with the latest media trends and technology

sticking to budget

Sticking To Your Budget

Sticking to your budget as you work to create, publish, and share high-quality and engaging media content

media trends

Conducting Analysis

Analyze and measure your media buys success and assure you are getting the results you want from your campaign.

Media Buying

Media buying is related to paid media — whether your business is buying campaign or ad space on various channels, paying to share targeted campaigns and ads, or negotiating with media vendors.In a world where your business can create and share media on different platforms and successfully reach your audience for free, precise media planning can happen without media buying. However, media buying requires media planning.This is because media planning sets the tone and direction for the buy that needs to occur. Once ad space is purchased, or content distribution plans have been negotiated, there needs to be a strategy (or media plan) to get that media to your audience and customers.Now let’s review the steps in the media planning process so you can begin developing your business’s strategy.
media buying

Media Connections

Free SEO Audit

For a free no-obligation SEO report for your website, simply fill out the form and we will send you your report shortly. The report will show what you have done correctly and where your pages need improvement.